Some fun facts:
Her birthday is 21 August, 2019.
She can catch a frisbee over 8 feet in the air!
She loves to chase squirrels.
She is a ground mole huntress.
She steals binkys!!!
She likes to give hugs.
She fake-crawls like she is hurt for treats.
EVERYONE (including delivery drivers) plays catch with her. She will bring her ball to anyone who will throw it for her.
If TWO people are playing with her, she will make them take turns!
Bonny and Gunner have puppies! 6 boys and 2 girls were born on 07 April, 2022. They are all golden!
The very first pup is a little girl, and we named her Scrappy. At three days old, she is already becoming a little adventurer! Here are a few pictures of Scrappy and a few of her brothers and sisters.